Office Styling Tips For a Positive Mind

Office Styling Tips For a Positive Mind

According to HuffPost Australia, the average person spends thirteen years and two months being at work in a lifetime. Comparing this to just 328 days of socialising with friends, it becomes a significant amount of time spent in the office. Not to mention, the number of hours spent in checking work e-mails while on a day off is 5.3 hours per week. As you face deadlines, responsibilities, and promotions, you are driven to keep a positive mind to stay focused. To make work more pleasant, have an office interior design style that you enjoy. Let’s take a closer look at some styling tips for a positive mind.


An organised desk is a desk full of potential. Put that in a larger setting, and you have an office full of potential. Set its momentum this way, and positive minds will surely flourish. The mind is aided and encouraged when there’s no clutter in the way. The thing is, clutter creates a distraction. When mess clouds your workplace, you think about the need to clear it out, when and how. Instead of focusing on your work, your time gets spent on this.

Simple ways of decluttering are putting your files in the right places and using labels. Organise it according to deadlines, documentation, and function. Pens, general stationery, and paper should have designated compartments. Post-its may be used to mark something instead of unevenly cut pieces of paper. Rubbish cans should be within reach so that trash doesn’t accumulate on your desk. Furthermore, there should be a clear system in keeping records, documents, paperwork, and resources. 


There will be times that you will reach your breaking point. You may need something to keep you motivated and driven, yet grounded when this happens. Put an art piece your parents gave you in your space. You could include a favourite mantra written by your mentor, or an idol that always inspires you. All of these decoration and design ideas may add a personal touch to your desk, which could give that extra bit of motivation every now and then.


Styling your office according to the function it serves is the best way you can keep it. If you are a programmer, keeping it clear of clutter could help you think of the best syntax, code or design for your project. Keep your desktop simple so that nothing clouds your mind as you stay focused on your task. If you’re a writer, you might want to keep a bookshelf in your office for some books. You write more when you read more. The idea is not to crowd your office with too much stuff. Make sure that you only keep things that you need daily in there with you.

There may also be a need for adequate facilities. To function as expected, you may need fast internet, good lighting, a comfortable seat and a canteen with a varied selection. These are but a few of what most employees request. In terms of adequacy, a survey may come in handy to style the office efficiently for positive minds to work harmoniously and efficiently.

Safety and Security

The office should be a place where talents are explored, roles are fulfilled, and growth is enhanced. Also, the safety of employees should never be compromised. If necessary, assure order by setting ground rules and putting up CCTV cameras. Also, keep harassment, bullying, and theft under control through surveillance in public settings.

General Lifestyle Mental Health