A diet that complements your work routine

A diet that complements your work routine

Your work routine is something that might get affected by your diet. The wrong food can land you in the hospital while eating less or eating way too much can lead to a lack in focus, and at the same time, if only you can keep up with the right things to eat at the right time, you might have the best time at work as well.

To be in sync with your eating habits and your work routine, you should know what you should eat and how to keep up the routine.

  • 400 mg per day of caffeine should be your daily intake, exceeding this value may lead to migraine headaches, irritability, upset stomach and muscle tremors at times.
    • Well everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But it is not possible to skip the other meals or not pay attention to them altogether.
  • If you didn’t eat well the previous night, having a good breakfast is going to be an impossible task.
  • Your breakfast should consist of protein, fibre and healthy fats.
    • You can have mid-afternoon snacks to boost your energy. Bringing something healthy from your home instead of going for packed, canned or junk stuff is always the right way to go.
    • Your lunch should look somewhat like your breakfast, that is, fibre, proteins (eggs, lean meat, chickpeas and beans), whole grains (brown rice or quinoa) and healthy fats (salmon, avocado and olive oil). 

Your body is 60% water and so drinking water is one of the basics. Lack of water may lead to headaches, fatigue or overeating at times. While drinking water before every meal may lead to lesser intake of calories.

You may eat food like cauliflower, spinach, green peas and carrots, which are mostly water, also.

What does your body need?

·        Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. They help you with constipation. They have high fibre content.

·        Antioxidants are good for healthy skin.

·        Omega 3 fatty acids lead to a reduction in stress.

·        Vitamin C and magnesium oils help with a better immune system.

·        Whole grain food helps with stable blood sugar.

·        Dairy products provide calcium and vitamin D.

·        Vegetables are responsible for vitamins and minerals, especially the green leafy ones. Those are the ones that can be eaten with anything. They also contain disease-fighting phytochemicals.

What it doesn’t!

·        Avoiding alcohol, refined grains, solid fats, saturated fats, trans fats, salt and sugar also add to an efficient diet.

·        Vitamins and supplements are not better than actual food. If you fail to eat a nutritious diet, then taking anything in its place might not prove to be much better.

A healthy diet contributes to the perfect routine you planned.

·        Your sleeping habits for starters are directly affected by the food you eat. If you eat anything that has serotonin and melatonin in it, it might encourage your sleep. In case of restless or disturbed sleep, it would also help to consider having magnesium supplements for sleep or having a cup of chamomile tea before bed.

You are well aware of the fact that it is very hard to sleep on an empty stomach.

·        The food you eat is responsible for the diseases that you avoid, which may help you be comfortable in a lifestyle where you don’t have to worry about medicines and precautions.

·        Your diet plays a major role in your mental health as well.

·        Omega 3, legumes and whole-grain are the best things to eat when it comes to your brain.

Your body responds to food and eating the appropriate one would help it respond in the right way.

The diet that we go for has a direct relation to the nature of the work we do. Our daily routine might involve sitting at a place in front of a computer screen for the whole day or it may be about more physical work. Either way, it is your food habits that will keep you afloat.

Healthy Eating Workout